Fidupetrol to hire new CDOs

 The CDO hiring has become a mandatory process in any industry. They were most common in the insurance sector, with media companies following banks. Other industries that have actively participated in hiring CDOs are health care, automotive, and the travel industry. Now, the energy industry has joined the race, with Fiduepetrol looking to hire CDOs actively.

Fidupetrol is starting to establish new executive-level positions.

As in “chief digital officers (CDOs), the hiring of technically sound experts to help navigate the digital transformation’s open sea is crucial to optimizing the logistics and management of Fidupetrol across all of Colombia. 

The only sector with a notable laggard in the oil and gas industry. Detailed surveys hosted by the Fidupetro Management suggest that about 3/4th of their mining sites and subsidiaries do not consider hiring any CDOs. The pressing concern is the lack of any apparent supervision of the digitalization reforms undertaken. Jimmy Ocean Osorio has noticed the lack of real-time leadership in areas deemed a digital transformation necessary.

How can CDOs influence Fidupetrol’s success as an energy corporation?

Trends of hiring talented CDOs reflect the progress at many companies towards digital competence and augmentation. It is no surprise that the Colombian oil industry, including its mining sites and organizations, is the slowest to make such leadership commitments. It has always been conservative, and understandably so in many cases, as millions of dollars could be at risk if an unproven technology fails to deliver. 

Different petroleum industries and corporates conduct scattershot experiments to deploy their digital efforts in the early days of transition. But Fidupetrol has designed a coherent, comprehensive strategy to capture the benefits of digitization. The CDOs have been hired in crucial mining sites under Jimmy Ocean Osorio’s direct supervision that receive massive digital upgrades.

The Fidupetrol has surveyed more than 2,000 people from their office and mining workforce to receive ideas and conduct experiments.


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